Is your store holding a SALE?
Make your sales theme repeat itself throughout the store.
Sale accessories
EUR 4.83 EUR 4.83Røde SALE markør til bøjler. 50 stk. pr. pose
EUR 32.85 EUR 32.85
Smarte røde bøjle tags med - 50%,
der nemt viser kunden de nedsatte produkter.
De er lavet i vinyl, hvilket gør det muligt at genbruge dem.
Pakket i kasse med 100 stk.
B 25 mm x H 125 mm. -
EUR 7.78 EUR 7.78Smarte etiketter med - 50 % Firkantet 33 x 33 mm. i rød med hvid tekst. Rulle med 500 stk.
EUR 7.78 EUR 7.78Selvklæbende rød poster med % (procent tegn) påtrykt. Velegnet til ophæng på vægge. Nem at fjerne, når udsalget er slut. Ø40 cm.
EUR 19.85 EUR 19.85Barricade tape with white percentage signs on a red background. Ideal to define sales area. Combine the tape with the posters and streamers. W 75 mm. x L 250 meter.
EUR 7.78 EUR 7.78
Poster / plakat i Hvid og rød - % procent
Passer bl.a. til brug i gadeskilte.
Min. køb 4 stk.
Prisen er angivet pr. stk.
B 50 cm. x H 70 cm. -
EUR 7.78 EUR 7.78
Black Friday streamer med røde, sorte og hvide farver.
Attract customers by adding them to window displays.
B 120 cm. x H 8,5 cm. -
EUR 3.35 EUR 3.35A4 salgsskilt med engelsk tekst i rød, Hvid og Sort.
Salgsskiltet kommer pakket med 10 stk
B 21 x H 29,7 cm. -
EUR 7.78 EUR 7.78Poster / plakat med gul og pink - SALE
Passer bl.a. til brug i gadeskilte.
Min. køb 4 stk. Prisen er angivet pr. stk.
Mål: B 50 x H 70 cm. -
EUR 7.78 EUR 7.78
SALE streamer that is self-adhesive.
Comes with SALE printed alternately with pink and yellow.
L 120 x H 8,5 cm. -
EUR 19.85 EUR 19.85Barricade tape with pink "SALE" text on white background. Ideal to define sales area. Combine the tape with the posters and streamers. W 75 mm. x L 250 meter.
EUR 25.21 EUR 25.21Plastposer pink med gul "Sale" tryk
Pakket med 100 stk
Plastposer B 40 x D/BF 10 x H 46 cm. -
EUR 7.78 EUR 7.78Horizontal format Sale poster on brown paper. For stores that wants its promotions to stand out from others. W 64 x H 30 cm.
EUR 7.78 EUR 7.78Vertical format Sale poster on brown paper. For stores that wants its promotions to stand out from others. W 30 x H 64 cm.
EUR 11.93 EUR 11.93Sale now on tickets in distinctive black on brown design. Unstrung for use with tagging gun. Comes packed with 250 pcs. W 3,5 x H 7 cm.
EUR 13.28 EUR 13.28Sale now on tickets in distinctive black on brown design. Unstrung for use with tagging gun. Comes packed with 250 pcs. W 4,8 x H 9,6 cm.
Find stickers, labels, signs, etc. → Everything on sale
Here you will find our selection within offers, sales & sales. We sell many different products within offers, sales & sales, so no matter what you need, you can find it here. You can also click on one of the many subcategories, so you can easily find what you are missing. We have, among other things, exchange and other labels. The assortment within offers & sales is of course available at a very good price in large quantities. So even if you e.g. must have several thousand stickers, they can be obtained at a cheap price.
Click around the large selection within offers & sales below.